No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4, No.5
1000 × 1000 × 20 mm / 2021
canvas(printed) / キャンバス(写真印刷)

Metal painting series

I can say that my project started around the time the coronal pandemic began. The outgoing restrictions were put in place and the only place we could meet was on the screens of our computers and smart phones. And when the need for jewelry began to be questioned, I was intrigued by the information on those screens. This information was a person's personal belongings, such as bookshelves, houseplants, curtains, posters, etc. Everything on the screen, including the person's image, is processed as the same two-dimensional image. Therefore, I consider the screen as an extended space of the body, and I began to create two-dimensional works as jewelry to be "worn" on the screen. The first works were simple metal works, but in order to enhance the affinity with the digital space, I changed the production process by converting the metal into data and then outputting it again as a material. After beginning to present works in this process of repeating the digital and physical, the coronal pandemic came to an end. This meant a recursion from digital space to real space.


digital series

- First, a copper plate was embellished using a unique metalwork technique that combines alloy and cloisonné.
- Next, the copper plate was photographed, and the data were digitized and photoshopped. I combined the two opposing beauties of the random nature of handwork and the inevitability of digital technology by “reversing, placing, decreasing or increasing in size” the data in a regular manner.
- Then, the digital data were printed on a canvas fabric and stretched over a timber frame.
Metal processing (material/physical) → Computer work (dematerialization/digital) → Output and installation in the space (re-materialization/physical) → Functioning as personal ornaments on an online screen (dematerialization/re-digitalization)

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